J'ai achete ce titre il y a quelques mois et je me demande s'il y a d'autres investisseurs sur ce furum qui suivent cette compagnie. Seb est la derniere entreprise cree par John Mckimm (7 entreprises acquises dans les derniers mois).
Historique de Mckimm chez Madison (plusieurs baggers) et Qureshi (QLogitek)
Marge de profit eleve dans le Outsourcing
Acquisitions strategiques de QLogitek & Inforica
Strategie de croissance rapide ( interne & par acquisition)
Qu'est-ce que tu en penses ?
Par ailleurs, tu trouveras peut-etre interessant de savoir que + de 70 % des actions sont controles par des dirigeants
Note : Ce titre pourrait faire partie de mon futur fond d'investissement de microcap
Il y a plus d'entreprises de cette taille qui échouent que des entreprises qui réussissent à atteindre une masse critique.
La compagnie prepare aussi le terrain pour les relations avec les investisseurs.
"The growth plan for 2013 is acquisition-based, with the objective of reaching consolidated profitability by the end of the fiscal year and establishing a solid base of business and clients from which to launch organic growth initiatives. In the first two quarters, SEB has closed two acquisitions and announced a third. Historically, the consolidated annual revenues for these companies exceeded $12.0 million. These transactions bring both a solid profitable base of business and clients, and they expand technology operations and infrastructure in both Toronto and Ottawa. Both are major centres of growth targeted by SEB.
Logitek Technology Limited (“Qlogitek”)
In a news release dated February 7, 2013 SEB announced that it had closed the acquisition of Logitek Technology Ltd (“Qlogitek”).
SEB issued, in satisfaction of the purchase price, 6,698,173 SEB shares (“Shares”) and 1,000,000 Share Purchase Warrants (“Warrants”). SEB and the seller of QLogitek, Logitek Data Sciences Ltd., agreed to a contractual escrow arrangement pursuant to which one million Shares would be released on the closing and the balance over a period of 30 months in various amounts at 6 month intervals. The Warrants have a term of 42 months and an escalating exercise price every 12 months of $0.45, $0.55 and $0.65 during the first three years of the term and at $0.75 for the last six months of the term. The Warrants contain performance vesting conditions during their term equating to cumulative revenue and EBITDA targets of $15.0 million and $3.0 million, respectively. As part of the transaction and in order to retire $651,858 of debt owing by QLogitek, SEB issued a five year convertible note in the amount of $651,858 with an annualized interest rate of 3% and an escalating conversion price of $0.45, $0.55, $0.65, $0.70 and $0.75 from years one through five."
Qlogitek has developed a number of proprietary pieces of software, particularly in the management of customer’s supply-chain in the retail field. The internet based software is used extensively and repeatedly by a number of well-known large retailers to manage their product supply arrangements, incorporating suppliers in 170 countries. The customer base which utilizes Qlogitek’s supply-chain management software is broad-based, from appliances to electronics to alcohol to general merchandise. The customers include the LCBO, the Bay, Rogers, Danby, etc.
Plus d'efforts "marketing" aussi a venir pour faire connaitre la cie aux investisseurs.
En esperant le tout utile pour au moins une personne !:)
J'ajoute donc ci-dessous l'autre reponse.
Interessant aussi de voir qu'une compagnie comme Smart employee benefits peut se servir de l'acquisition comme levier et recuperer la sous-traitance le tout augmentant ses revenus de 300 a 700 %. Cette approche semble moins risque que des acquisitions non strategiques a gros prix.
SEB’s Client Acquisition Strategy is initially via acquisition, and then organic via transitioning of the Clients to the fully integrated SEB technology platform. The result is the capture of premium dollars that are currently being spent on multiple service providers, (including for administration, adjudication, claims paying and reporting) in one environment. The increase in revenue over a typical TPA environment, as a result of consolidation of services to one technology provider/platform, is between 300% and 700% depending on the client. Technology solutions in the market today are very fragmented and old technology. SEB is the only TPA offering a fully integrated technology solution in the marketplace.
Three groups are targeted for acquisition/investment:
Third Party Administrators (TPAs) (Acquire 100%) – capture group benefit clients.
Consultants/Brokers (minority Investments) – influence group benefit clients.
Technology/Healthcare Service Providers (Acquire 100%) – provide access to corporate and government clients.
There are hundreds of TPAs in Canada, thousands of brokers/consultants and several hundred technology/healthcare service providers that fit into the SEB acquisition/investment