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Apple Repurchases $14B of Own Shares in 2 Weeks)
Si j'avais été Tim Cook, j'aurais juste fermé ma gueule, mais bon...
The Apple CEO said its history of opting for smaller deals doesn't mean that the company will not pull the trigger on a big acquisition if it makes sense strategically or financially.
"We've looked at big companies. We don't have a predisposition not to buy big companies. The money is also not burning a hole in our pocket where we say, 'let's make a list of 10 and pick the best one,'" said Mr. Cook. "We have no problem spending ten figures for the right company, for the right fit that's in the best interest of Apple in the long-term. None. Zero."
Pas contre de faire une grosse acquisition non plus, si jamais ils trouvent quelque chose d'intérêt.
- Apple Inc. AAPL has bought $14 billion of its own shares in the two weeks since reporting financial results that disappointed Wall Street, Chief Executive Tim Cook told The Wall Street Journal.
In an interview, Mr. Cook said Apple was "surprised" by the 8% decline in its shares on Jan. 28, the day after it reported quarterly results, and wanted to be "aggressive" and "opportunistic."
With the latest purchases, Mr. Cook said Apple had bought back more than $40 billion of its shares over the past 12 months, which Mr. Cook said was a record for any company over a similar span.
"It means that we are betting on Apple. It means that we are really confident on what we are doing and what we plan to do," said Mr. Cook, speaking in a conference room at the company's corporate headquarters here. "We're not just saying that. We're showing that with our actions."
Le commentaire d'un gars de Corner a propos du nombre d'action de Apple en circulation:
Share count peaked in March of 2013 at 940 million shares. At the end of Dec share count fell to 892 million. $14 billion should take out 27 million more. March 2014 share count will be around 865 million shares. In less than 12 months they have reduced the share count by 75 million shares = 8%. Last year at this time there were many questions regarding what Apple was going to do with its cash hoard. The picture is much clearer today; we at least have part of the answer.
8% c'est un Rachat significatif et à un prix intéressant
While we are disappointed that last night ISS recommended against our proposal, we do not altogether disagree with their assessment and recommendation in light of recent actions taken by the company to aggressively repurchase shares in the market.
In their recommendation, ISS points out, and we agree, that “on the spectrum of options for allocating capital, the board appears to have been sluggish only in returning excess cash to shareholders,” and even though the company has in place “one of the largest buybacks in history” we agree with ISS that this effort seems “like bailing with a leaky bucket” when “given the scale of the company’s cash reserves.”
That being said, we also agree with ISS’s observation, taking into account that the company recently repurchased in “two weeks alone” $14 billion worth in shares, that “for fiscal 2014, it appears on track to repurchase at least $32 billion in shares.” Our proposal, as ISS points out, “thus effectively only asks the board to spend another $18 billion on repurchases in the current year.”
As Tim Cook describes them, these recent actions taken by the company to repurchase shares have been both “opportunistic” and “aggressive” and we are supportive. In light of these actions, and ISS’s recommendation, we see no reason to persist with our non-binding proposal, especially when the company is already so close to fulfilling our requested repurchase target.
Furthermore, in light of Tim Cook’s confirmed plan to launch new products in new categories this year (in addition to an exciting product roadmap with respect to new products in existing categories), we are extremely excited about Apple’s future. Additionally, we are pleased that Tim and the board have exhibited the “opportunistic” and “aggressive” approach to share repurchases that we hoped to instill with our proposal. It is our expectation that Tim and the board continue to exhibit this behavior as fiduciaries to the shareholders since they clearly seem to agree that our company continues to be extremely undervalued, and we all share a common optimism with respect to the company’s bright long term future.
De l'appel-conférence : Two-thirds of people registering an iPad in the last six months were new to iPad. Half of people registering iPhones were new to iPhone.
Il y a des rachats qui visent à réduire le nombre d'actions et d'autres rachats qui servent aux plan d'options de la direction. La différence que tu mentionnes vient probablement de là.
un produit "m'as-tu-vu" qui va bien avec les iPhones. C'est le Monster Cable des écouteurs, ou tu payes pour le look et la marque, mais pas du tout pour la qualité.
Tu compares un Surface avec un Macbook air? C'est pas du tout la même chose.
Un surface peut être utilisé comme tablette, pas un macbook. Donc absolument aucune comparaison possible.
C'est le produit concurent qui s'en approche le plus cependant, la surface dernière génération avait a peu près le même hardware que le plus petit MacBook air, sauf avec un écran tactile.
Personnellement, je ne vois pas comment ma tablette pourrait remplacer un laptop. J'utilise les deux de manière différente.
La surface version pro est un laptop dans un format tablette, tu as simplement une station de travail au bureau et a la maison comme pour ton laptop (les gens avec un laptop se branche quand mêem sur un vria écran/clavier/souris pour travailler habituellement, au moins souris au mimumum).
Tu l'utilise comme tablette dans le transport au commun (ou pour le loisir dans le salon) ou lors de présentation/sur la route avec le clavier (spéciallement pour l'appareil ou standard) et une souris Bluetooth.
C'est surtout pratique pour ceux qui veulent avoir un bon écran tactile pour dessiner en même temps. Dans bien des cas le combo "vrai laptop", "vrai tablette" risque de l'emporter.
plein de hype, reste à voir si ca sera un petard mouillé.
je sais que plein de fanboys attendent un plus grand écran sur leur iphone (qui arrive) malgré d'avoir dit que les écrans plus grands que iphone étaient trop grands.
on verra bien mais pour le moment c'est pas une TV ou une montre qui va impressioner personne.
Je dois féliciter les fervant détenteurs de l'action de AAPL durant la chute vertigineuse qu'il y a et son retour aussi fulgurant pour avoir continué de croire dans ce titre qui faisait un bon pourcentage de votre portefeuille et dans lequel vous avez réinvestit. J'ai personnellement doublé ma position dans la descente mais elle ne fait même pas 2% de mon portefeuille alors ce n'était pas très courageux.
Je pense surtout à @polangevin qui doit avoir un bon pourcentage de son portefeuille dans apple maintenant!
Apple Repurchases $14B of Own Shares in 2 Weeks)
The Apple CEO said its history of opting for smaller deals doesn't mean that the company will not pull the trigger on a big acquisition if it makes sense strategically or financially.
"We've looked at big companies. We don't have a predisposition not to buy big companies. The money is also not burning a hole in our pocket where we say, 'let's make a list of 10 and pick the best one,'" said Mr. Cook. "We have no problem spending ten figures for the right company, for the right fit that's in the best interest of Apple in the long-term. None. Zero."
Pas contre de faire une grosse acquisition non plus, si jamais ils trouvent quelque chose d'intérêt.
weeks since reporting financial results that disappointed Wall Street,
Chief Executive Tim Cook told The Wall Street Journal.
In an
interview, Mr. Cook said Apple was "surprised" by the 8% decline in its
shares on Jan. 28, the day after it reported quarterly results, and
wanted to be "aggressive" and "opportunistic."
With the latest
purchases, Mr. Cook said Apple had bought back more than $40 billion of
its shares over the past 12 months, which Mr. Cook said was a record for
any company over a similar span.
"It means that we are betting
on Apple. It means that we are really confident on what we are doing and
what we plan to do," said Mr. Cook, speaking in a conference room at
the company's corporate headquarters here. "We're not just saying that.
We're showing that with our actions."
Share count peaked in March of 2013 at 940 million shares. At the end of
Dec share count fell to 892 million. $14 billion should take out 27
million more. March 2014 share count will be around 865 million shares.
In less than 12 months they have reduced the share count by 75 million
shares = 8%. Last year at this time there were many questions regarding
what Apple was going to do with its cash hoard. The picture is much
clearer today; we at least have part of the answer.
8% c'est un Rachat significatif et à un prix intéressant
767 Fifth Avenue, 47th Floor
New York, New York 10153
February 10, 2014
Dear Fellow Apple Shareholders,
While we are disappointed that last night ISS recommended against our proposal, we do not altogether disagree with their assessment and recommendation in light of recent actions taken by the company to aggressively repurchase shares in the market.
In their recommendation, ISS points out, and we agree, that “on the spectrum of options for allocating capital, the board appears to have been sluggish only in returning excess cash to shareholders,” and even though the company has in place “one of the largest buybacks in history” we agree with ISS that this effort seems “like bailing with a leaky bucket” when “given the scale of the company’s cash reserves.”
That being said, we also agree with ISS’s observation, taking into account that the company recently repurchased in “two weeks alone” $14 billion worth in shares, that “for fiscal 2014, it appears on track to repurchase at least $32 billion in shares.” Our proposal, as ISS points out, “thus effectively only asks the board to spend another $18 billion on repurchases in the current year.”
As Tim Cook describes them, these recent actions taken by the company to repurchase shares have been both “opportunistic” and “aggressive” and we are supportive. In light of these actions, and ISS’s recommendation, we see no reason to persist with our non-binding proposal, especially when the company is already so close to fulfilling our requested repurchase target.
Furthermore, in light of Tim Cook’s confirmed plan to launch new products in new categories this year (in addition to an exciting product roadmap with respect to new products in existing categories), we are extremely excited about Apple’s future. Additionally, we are pleased that Tim and the board have exhibited the “opportunistic” and “aggressive” approach to share repurchases that we hoped to instill with our proposal. It is our expectation that Tim and the board continue to exhibit this behavior as fiduciaries to the shareholders since they clearly seem to agree that our company continues to be extremely undervalued, and we all share a common optimism with respect to the company’s bright long term future.
Sincerely yours,
Carl C. Icahn
Il y a un truc j'ai pas saisi....on dit avoir retourné 21B aux actionnaires et dans les résultats je vois 23B en Rachat et 5B en Dividende.
Tu as raison.
Je pense surtout à @polangevin qui doit avoir un bon pourcentage de son portefeuille dans apple maintenant!